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Why You Should Be Building a Customer List
Almost every marketer has heard of lists. It is something that simply can't escape your notice really, especially with all the fantastic reports of how effective and amazing the results of marketing to a list can be.

People look at lists as cash-cows, just waiting to be milked. FRENCH FAX BROADCAST LIST[/b]

But what is it about lists that make marketers gush about them? Why is it that lists are looked at as one of the 'ultimate marketing tools'? Most importantly though, why should you start building your own customer list?

These are the kind of questions that baffle most people, and certainly cause a bit of confusion among relative beginners. Sure, we all know that lists can be profitable, but then again, a lot of things on the internet can be profitable too.

Why is it that lists are held in such high esteem compared to all of these other things?

Well, that's what you're about to find out. We're going to dissect lists in general, looking at how they work, where they work, and why they work, until at the end of the day you'll be able to say for a surety that you understand just why they're so powerful.

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Why You Should Be Building a Customer List - by jahangiir - 06-22-2020, 06:28 AM

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